Chair's summary
 Professor Joanne Gray
Each year Academic Board holds a forum with a focus on an area of particular interest to the UTS community. This year it seemed appropriate to focus on the terrific work that UTS researchers have done in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the researchers presented their work it became clear that they've made a significant contribution to the growing body of knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The forum was held on 14 October via Zoom with around 100 staff in attendance.
Presentations included:
- universities and the public: impact and engagement in a time of crisis by Associate Professor Tamson Pietsch, Associate Professor Social and Political Sciences Program and Director, Australian Centre for Public History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- where facemasks are useful for COVID-19 by Professor Brian Oliver, Associate Head of School (Research), School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science
- determinants of SARS-CoV-2 receptor gene expression in upper and lower airways by Dr Alen Faiz, Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science
- stopping the spread of COVID-19: Law or technology by Dr Gabrielle Simm, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law
- COVID-19 impact analytics and scenario planning for NSW by Distinguished Professor Fang Chen, Executive Director, UTS Data Science and Distinguished Professor
with introduction from Professor Kate McGrath, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).
Video and presentations
Watch the forum and download the presentations at Academic Board forum: UTS research contributions to the COVID-19 pandemic (access restricted to UTS staff and Academic Board members).
My sincere thanks to these presenters for sharing their work with the UTS community.
Professor Joanne Gray, Chair, Academic Board
For any questions, contact:
Komal Jagad
Executive Officer (Governance Support)
Tel: 02 9514 1464